Hey Guys, sorry i havent been around for a while. My big brother and his lovely wife came down so i was just showing them around and making surte they had a good time.
Well this post is about how i finnaly managed to get back to the home screen / springboard of my iphone.
my big brother bought me a DIA iphone 1.0.2 for a pretty cool price. I was torn between sending it back to the states to be sold and another won bought for me, buy this part called USB Connector Circuit and change with the one mesed up in the phone and finnaly try and figutre out a way back to the springboard.
after going through google for three days i finnaly got it. ordly enough i had given up on the search and was about to go home and return the phone to my brother and be branded a looser when i figured it out in the car whilst playing with the phone.
well it's very simple.
- make sure u put a code on your iphone
- everytime it prompts u to unlock, first hit emergency call
- then hit cancel and now put in your unlock code
- this should take u striaght to the home screen /spring board
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